Saturday, August 10, 2013


I know this a blog about marketing and branding, but those are just tools.  Passion and and enthusiasm trumps them all.  You heard the old phrase, 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.  It is a saying for a reason.  If you love something and it shows through your enthusiasm, marketing provides the roadmap that ensures maximum success.  In a world where there are truly very few legal moats to protect your business, the difference comes down to you.  If you have a natural passion for something, it shines thru.  Some people are blessed with a good understanding of who they are and what they want to do, others lament, I don't have a passion,.......

Let me tell you a story.  We were having dinner with friends, successful business owners, doing what they need to do to take care of the family etc.  but was lamenting that they did not have a passion, something they really loved, that they could turn into a business.  So we played a mind game.  We listed everything she loved if money or time were not obstacles (money and time are objections that kill most ideas before they can be born, set them aside).  She said, animals and 80's music.  So I said, open a animal boarding facility and play only the hits from the 80's in your store, and advertise as such.  She was stunned at how fast an idea that is potentially doable came out.  In our area, there are many baby boomers that love pets, and I can guarantee you that enough people will be intrigued enough to stop in and let her passion for animals do the rest.

Lesson learned, everyone loves something that can be monetized.

The other objection I get a lot, is I don't have the personality to own or run a business. Au contraire. Spend 30 minutes taking the Myers Briggs test. You will be delighted to learn there are many things you can do and be.

This test will categorize you into one of 16 personality types, or a blend of two, and will tell you where your passions lie.

They are (

As you can see, there is a job, company, and career in there for everyone. Using me as an example,  I am a cross between an ENFP and a ENTP, and those who know me, know this is very accurate. 

I love new ideas, new ventures, love knowing what people do, and what inspires them.  I love to write (I have three blogs), love doing more than one thing at a time (all three blogs are so different), own three companies that have nothing in common other than things I like like (trading, solar, and marketing), but fit my personality.  Solar, appeals to my wanting to change the world, trading because it is different everyday, and yet you will never master it, and marketing, because I love connecting ideas and solutions to people who need them.

I share this with you as you have many things you can do that can personally and financially satisfy you. Once you get your arms around who you are, we can now start on building that business and that brand.  I will interweave personal stories from my business, my wife's, people I have consulted with, and observations to give you real and practical approaches and solutions.

Now go find yourself.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

From No Brand to Brand Dominance

I am going to walk through how to take your small business from no brand awareness and just a me-to company into owning your market niche and territory, and having the dominant brand.

There is a process and a methodology that works, even if you sell something everyone sells, and most clients think it is a commodity.  For every market and every product or service there is a brand leader, and that leader is capturing the lion share of the sales, and will have the best margins.  So the goal is to be that company, and to stay that company.

The good news for those who not the market leader, leadership is not a birthright.  You must work to stay on top or someone who is working harder, smarter, and with a better plan will bypass you.

To get started, I will begin with the end in mind, and define Brand Dominance, our goal.  Brand Dominance is when you are perceived as the first, or only choice for the product/service you provide within the marketplace you serve.  Additionally, you are the highest ranked and rated solution offered on the internet, when the key words and phrases that define your business is searched.

Not knowing where you are in this process I'll start by defining the brand continuum, and then the processes we will undertake to get you to the top.

  • No Brand Awareness - Don't know you, don't need you, don't want you
  • No Brand trust - Knows who you are, don't trust you
  • No Brand Uniqueness - Knows you, trusts you, but no difference between you and others
  • Brand Loyalty - Knows, you, trusts, you, appreciates your difference, willing to try you again
  • Brand Dominance - Advocates for you, will not try another brand
Within this continuum, there are nuances that we must understand in shaping our positioning, offerings, messaging, and marketing actions on our way to brand dominance.  They are;

  • Adoption lifecycle
  • Industry you serve
  • Demographics of your customer
  • Buying criteria
  • Your Corporate culture
We will touch upon all of these as I tell this story through the eyes of my own business, and businesses I have coached through the years.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A New and Exciting Journey

When I retired from my Corporate life seven years ago, I wanted to indulge in my passions around Renewable energy, Stock trading, and Hawaii. In doing so I started two LLCs under my corporate structure; Solar Edge,, and Real Time Trading signals LLC in 2008, and 2011 respectively.  Both of the businesses are doing very well.

Through it, I was frequently engaged in helping friends and businesses referred to me to help them in evaluating their businesses, products, positioning, etc., and the wealth of knowledge I obtained through my own trial and error with my new ventures, had me thinking.

Why don't I start sharing with others on how to dominate the market niche in which they operate.  Especially help small businesses.  So I decided to join forces with a very fast growing Internet Marketing company called Edge5marketing as a consultant, and start blogging, writing, and educating small business owners on how to achieve brand dominance, and run a financially thrivng business.

Some of my advice will be complimentary, some through paid educational classes, and some through the very valuable services we provide at Edge5 Marketing.

The content, advice, and services you will see in this blog will be practical, effective, frequent and cost efficient. If there are specific topics you wish to see posted, just let me know.

Thanks for listening.

Bob Kudla